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Why Recycle

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Many individuals and businesses just do not know what to do with the old computer when they have purchased the "new and improved" version.

Why Recycle

Take a look around your home or office. How many electronic devices can you see from where you are sitting? These items have become a vital part of our everyday lives. We have come to rely on personal computers, laptops, televisions, and media centers in our homes, GPS in our cars, smart phones, e-books, and video games in our hands, and MP3 players in our ears. Electronics are intertwined in all parts of our daily lives. We count on them to stay in touch, stay on time, stay on track, and stay informed. One only has to experience a power outage or a low battery to understand just how important electronics have become to each of us. The electronics industry understands the importance as well. Americans spend nearly $2 billion a year on the approximately three billion electronic devices we own.

Now look again at those electronics in your home or office. How long will it be before any of these items is replaced by a newer, faster, more efficient version? For each new product that is introduced to the market, one or more becomes obsolete. In 2005, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that between 26 and 37 million computers alone became "outdated". In total, the EPA estimated that 304 million electronics, with about two-thirds of them still operational, were discarded by consumers all across America. (Data from the Consumer Electronics Association and EPA)

Committment to the Environment

"Reduce. Reuse. Recycle."

Any school-aged child can tell you this phrase is used to remind us not to throw glass, plastic, or paper into the trash but into a recycling bin instead. Each day we hear people talking to a greater extent about being "green" and focusing on the environment and the conservation of natural resources. But, what does "green" mean when it is applied to the electronics industry? It has become evident that our beloved electronic devices are comprised of many components that are not good for our environment.

In 2005, Americans disposed of around 2 million tons of unwanted electronics. Only 345,000 to 379,000 tons of those items were recycled, with the remainder ending up in landfills across the nation. That is more than 1.5 million tons of electronics that will remain in landfills indefinitely while the heavy metals that they contain break down slowly over the years and leech into our soil and contaminate our environment. This doesn't have to happen.

Since our inception in 2001, we at CRVA have been striving to educate the public about electronic recycling and its benefits to our environment. We have a "No-Landfill" policy, and reuse, refurbish, and/or recycle all donated electronics. When you donate to CRVA, you are improving the environment and helping our communities bridge the digital divide.

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